E3 Process



Our E3 evaluation process typically begins with an examination of the exterior of the house, grounds, and roof. This first step is fundamental to the full evaluation because it gives an idea of the overall condition, drainage of the landscaping, and how the greater surrounding areas effect the home. For example, trees, sun exposure, and surrounding homes can all have considerable impact on a home. 

Moving to the interior or the house, the home inspection process goes through every room in the house, checking for proper plumbing, electrical and heating. When able, an inspection of the crawl spaces, attics, and other difficult to reach areas will be made. These are often not even seen by homeowners.

HVAC Inspection


So, the home inspector found something, and you may be asking yourself “now what?” At E3 Home Inspections we take the time to explain what we have found, and when able–what to do about it. A quality explanation can help you make the best decision, and helping you is what we pride ourselves in. Our explanations can answer the “why” and “now what” questions surrounding the details of the report.  

Jeff Pelton, educating on water heater inspection


Education is a crucial part of the E3 home inspection process. Perhaps you have never owned a home before, or you have questions about caring for a specific feature of your new home. These are the questions we are excited to answer and what makes E3 Home Inspections uniquely helpful. We can provide helpful suggestions for general upkeep and preventative measures to protect your investment and is another example of how E3 gives you confidence in your purchase.

How to Understand a Home Inspection

A little Home Inspection Education goes a long way! Download our home inspection white paper. It lists just a few of the items that we look for during our home inspections.

How to Understand a Home Inspection

A little Home Inspection Education goes a long way! Download our home inspection white paper. It lists just a few of the items that we look for during our home inspections.

E3 Home Inspections White Paper